GTFOBins Explorer

Terminal explorer tool to search on GTFOBins website, this website is focused on binary exploitation mostly in privilege escalation. Insted of needing to open out browser, google for “gtfobins” and searching our binary, we just need to type out binary in out terminal.


The Arch Linux version (GTFOBins-Explorer-ng file) depends on mdcat, wich is automaticaly installed with paru, if you want to use this version, search how to install mdcat in your distro. If not you can just use the normal version and follow the steps described below.

Arch Linux

I have uploaded it to the AUR repo so you just need to:

paru -S gtfobins-explorer-git

It will create an executable in /usr/bin/gtfobins

Other Distros

It is important to install html2text with pip2/python2.

git clone
cd GTFOBins-Explorer
sudo python2 -m pip install html2text
sudo mv GTFOBins-Explorer /usr/bin/gtfobins


gtfobins <binary>

It will display the multiple options for the binary specified (If there are).

gtfobins <binary> "<option>"

It will display the exact text as if you have searched it in the official GTFOBins website.

Example (arch/ng version)

For the example we will use awk binary.

For some reason we are not focusing on why, we will display the “File Read” option.

And now if we compare it with the official page we will see it is the same.

We can input a file which must be the output of the find / \-perm -4000 2>/dev/null

gtfobins -f file

Or if you don’t want to create the file you can just:

find / \-perm -4000 2>/dev/null | gtfobins -f -

And it will search all the binaries in GTFOBins Website.